Read about what is currently disallowed on the server
General Rules
Intentionally using Hacked Clients, external programs, or hardware exploits to gain an unfair advantage.
Bug Exploitation
Exploiting server or client issues to gain an unfair advantage or disrupt server features.
DDoS Threats
Making threats to launch DDoS attacks.
Sharing someone's private data without consent.
Report Abuse
Misusing the reporting system to intentionally annoy staff or hinder their work.
IP Ban Evasion
Evading an IP ban, which is typically issued for very serious offenses.
Teaming with IP Ban Evaders
Knowingly teaming with IP banned players during ranked, tournament, UHC, or Meetup matches.
Inappropriate Name
Using a name that is considered offensive, explicit, or otherwise inappropriate.
Inappropriate Skin
Using a skin that is considered offensive, explicit, or otherwise inappropriate.
Inappropriate Clan
Using a clan name or clan tag that is considered offensive, explicit, or otherwise inappropriate.
Fake Prizepool
Advertising rewards, prizes, or payouts and then failing to deliver them as promised.
Chat Rules
Demonstrating a lack of respect by directly insulting other players.
Toxic Behavior
Continuously sending toxic messages and complaints in chat that are not specifically directed at any individual or group of players.
Disrespecting an individual or group of players based on their origin, race, or skin color.
Server Advertisement
Directly or indirectly promoting another Minecraft server.
Death Wishes
Directly or indirectly expressing desires for harm, suffering, or death towards other players.
Continuously and repeatedly flooding the chat with messages that lack real meaning or contain repetitive content.
Practice Rules
Intentionally occupying and utilizing areas of the map that are hard to access in a ranked or tournament match to gain an unfair advantage or avoid being attacked.
Excessive Running
Continuously running in a ranked or tournament match for more than 30 seconds without regenerating or with the intent of ruining a player’s gameplay.
Alting in Ranked
Playing ranked or tournament matches with multiple accounts during the same season.
ELO Boosting
Intentionally raising ELO ratings through manipulative tactics to gain an unfair advantage.
ELO Dropping
Deliberately lowering ELO ratings through manipulative tactics.
SGCW Rules
Intentionally occupying and utilizing inaccessible areas of the map for more than 30 seconds without regenerating or with the intent of ruining a player’s gameplay.
Excessive Running
Continuously running for more than 3 minutes without regenerating or with the intent of avoiding fights.
Alting in SGCW
Playing SGCW with multiple accounts during the same season.
ELO Boosting
Intentionally raising ELO ratings through manipulative tactics to gain an unfair advantage.
ELO Dropping
Deliberately lowering ELO ratings through manipulative tactics.
Stealing any items dropped by a player before PvP is enabled.
Grace Camping
Excessively stalking and getting unfairly close to a player shortly before PvP is enabled.
Intentionally disrupting gameplay to disadvantage your team or cause discomfort.
UHC Rules
Excessive Stalking
Continuously stalking a player before PvP to the extent that it significantly interferes with their gameplay experience or stealing their items.
Intentionally constructing towering structures after the border has shrunk to a radius of 100 or during a fight, aiming to gain an unfair advantage over another player.
Intentionally occupying and utilizing areas of the map that are hard to access after the border has shrunk to a radius of 100 to gain an unfair advantage or avoid being attacked.
Excessive Running
Continuously running after the border has shrunk to radius of 100 for more than 30 seconds or with the intent of ruining a player’s gameplay.
Portal Trapping
Preventing another player from leaving a Nether portal.
Deliberately teaming in an FFA or exceeding the designated team size in team games to gain an unfair advantage.
Destroying the map with the intent of ruining gameplay.
Purposely inflicting damage upon a player while they are immune to regular attacks or harming them in other ways.
DoNotDisturb Abuse
Tagging players while DoNotDisturb is enabled without properly attacking them, primarily to evade fights or hinder gameplay.
Intentionally dying to another player without engaging in a real fight, with the intention of giving away items.
Assisting in Sacrificing
Assisting in a sacrifice by sharing coordinates.
Account Sharing
Sharing accounts with another player during an active game.
HelpOP Abuse
Sending inappropriate messages in HelpOP requests.
Meetup Rules
Intentionally occupying and utilizing areas of the map that are hard to access after the border has shrunk to a radius of 25 to gain an unfair advantage or avoid being attacked.
Excessive Running
Continuously running after the border has shrunk to radius of 25 for more than 30 seconds or with the intent of ruining a player’s gameplay.
Alting in Meetup
Playing Meetup with multiple accounts during the same season.
ELO Boosting
Intentionally raising ELO ratings through manipulative tactics to gain an unfair advantage.
ELO Dropping
Deliberately lowering ELO ratings through manipulative tactics.
Deliberately teaming in an FFA or exceeding the designated team size in team games to gain an unfair advantage.
Purposely inflicting damage upon a player while they are immune to regular attacks or harming them in other ways.
DoNotDisturb Abuse
Tagging players while DoNotDisturb is enabled without properly attacking them, primarily to evade fights or hinder gameplay.
Screen Sharing Rules
Screen Sharing is a method used by our staff team to catch cheaters by connecting to the suspected player's PC with a remote desktop application. We only use trusted programs which are either open source or ran by a trusted company such as Echo to ensure your safety. All of our applications will be removed once the screen share has been completed.
Bannable Offenses
After being frozen, you are not allowed to plug in or remove any USB devices and you may not modify or delete any files. Furthermore, manually disabling key processes, binding multiple buttons to left and right click, having any macros installed, modifying mouse or keyboard settings after being frozen, or playing with multiple mice connected are punishable offenses. Recording or opening any application during a Screen Share without staff instructions is not permitted either.
You have to follow the instructions of our staff without needless delays. They will not mess with your personal files or download any sketchy applications. If you feel uncomfortable, you have every right to interfere and refuse the Screen Share at the cost of getting banned. If you feel like there was any abuse of power, you can immediately report the responsible staff through our ticket system.